My Services


In the clinical practice there are no do-it-all.
I believe in the value of specialization, and the services that I offer are only part of my teorical and practical experience.
I also believe in the importance of listening and acceptance, and I work side by side with fellow psychologists and specialist of different approaches, to guardantee a concrete, personalized and specific care for everyone.



"The therapist hast to be patient, humble and a perceiving listenere, rather than a lecturer that gives away advices”.
Thomas Szasz


Psychotherapy is not only dedicated to the resolution of a mental issue, but it is a journey through which a person can discover his way of functioning in the everyday life, learn to better handle his emotions, deal with difficulties and reach his own goals.
The patient build a relationship with the therapist and works together with him to give a meaning to his behaviors and emotions.
The therapist is not a guide or a sage that distributes advices, he is a curious, non judging companion that facilitates the aquisition of awareness by the patient, the only true expert of himself.
In a couple therapy, the first objective is to re-establish a balance in communication between the partners, and through it explore together the relationship, identify the resources and know themselves better, as individuals and as life companions.

> Individual Therapy
> Couple Therapy


Psychological Support

"The greatest discovery of our generation has been the fact that human beings can change their lives by changing their mental attitudes".
William James


The psychological support is built on a concrete objective, one to handle a specific situation that creates distress in an individual.
It can be related to a particularly complicated period linked to the relational, work or personal sphere, or a specific series of behaviors or situations that make the proper functioning of a person impossible.
Over the years I focused my activity on:

> Dealing with difficulties linked to the passing through the stages of life (adolescency, adulthood, parenthood, work, retirement, third age, end of life)
> Behavioral addictions (social network, videogames, sex, gambling, risk seeking)
> Anxiety, stress and panic attacks
> Depression


Counseling and well-being

"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to 
succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have
. "

Abraham Lincoln


The interventions on the promotion of well-being are focused on reaching a status of complete physical, psychological and social well-being.
They can be directed towards various factors, such as nutrition, sleep-wake cycles, planning, self-efficacy and motivation.
Generally, those kind of interventions are:

> Short timed
> Focused on personal growth
> Assessment
> Empowering of resources

> Concentration and Motivation

Career and Business Consultancy

"We’ve always done it this way!"


The career consultancy is a tailor-made service that has the objective to help a person to develop to the best his strenghts and to manage his weaknesses, to reach significant and satisfactory goals in their professional life.
The Business Consultancy is instead dedicated to various aspects, from the evaluation of the workplace environment, to the organizational review, the handling of human resources, training, and team building.
> Workplace environment analysis
> Assessment
> Organizational Consultancy
> Change Management
> Training
> Team Building

Book an appointment

Book now a session by clicking on the yellow button on the right.
I will ask you some questions to better understand your request and plan a personalized and efficient care for you.
Do not hesitate!
Change starts with you.